Host Your Beautiful Photography Portfolio in Google Drive

Update: It’s live! 🎉 Create your photography portfolio in under a minute right now at
In the previous story I’ve described what I’m trying to accomplish with this awesome thing I call Sprout. Here’s the link:
The idea I’ve shared in the story is to make it so damn easy to create and maintain a photography website, that anyone will be able to do this in a matter of seconds. Yes, seconds. So what’s a better a way to do this then use tools that most, if not all, photographers already use: folders in their computers and mobile device.

Google Drive?
It appears that Google Drive is quite popular. So to bridge the gap between the folder on your computer (or mobile device) and the internet, the best tool would be a cloud storage. I’ve chosen Google Drive as a start, as it was the most used cloud storage by the awesome guys on my mailing list, who helped me come to this conclusion. Dropbox is going to be next.
The magic happens thanks to synchronization Google Drive provides. You drop files in a folder on your computer, Google Drive syncs it all and Sprout will serve your photos in a beautifully designed website. Easy as 1, 2, 3.
The cool part is that you’ll be able to use your mobile device to manage your website with Google Drive’s and Dropboxe’s mobile apps.
So how come it’s free?
I’ve went into detail on why I made it all free in a separate post here:
So how am I funding this project? At the moment I’m paying for all the servers and necessary infrastructure myself. If you enjoy using Sprout and feel like it adds value to your life and work — It would mean the world to me if you decided to support its development via the Patreon page I’ve put together.
Thank you! ❤
Feel free to contact me anytime if you need help or have any questions. I’d be happy to give you a hand!